Hi, all<br> Well...I tried both toast in KDE and k3d in Gnome, and both suck! Neither will burn! It goes through all the motions after I gave it what to burn, and it just sits there! Nothing! I even left it alone and did something else for 15 minutes and came back to see it had done nothing. Stalled in limbo land, it was suggested that Nero had a product for Linux. To me that beats the whole purpose, to get away from commercial software. I really don't want to go back to Windows, but it seems I will if I can get full usage of this system. What the hell good is it if you can't do the same as you can do in Windows. Oh by the way, I did RTFM. I read all that there could be to read about how to use this software, and I still can't get it to work. The hardware is somewhat new, and worked very well under Windows. Any help would be greatly appreciated.<br> <br> Thanks, Ron M.<br><p>__________________________________________________<br>Do You Yahoo!?<br>Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail ha
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