Hey guys - <br><br>I happened to get notification of a new Department of Defense guide for setting up and maintaining DNS and figured I'd pass the info on. I don't know how many of you run DNS, but this covers Bind as well as Windows services and some others.
<br><br>Normally I use DNS and Bind from O'Reilly or hit the ol' Linux Documentation Project if I forget something, but this has some good stuff in it for those setting up DNS and configuring it for the first time - or even those interested in best practices.
<br><br>Be forewarned: this is a 1.4 MB word document file. (Gotta love the government)<br><br>Enjoy!<br><br><br><a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="http://iase.disa.mil/stigs/draft-stigs/DNS_STIG_V4R1_notracking.doc" target="_blank">