As a programmer I'm seeing a lot of profanity in the form of variable
names. God only knows how many times I'm swearing at my programs. lol.<br
/><br />Tim<br /><br /><br /><br />> Got this on
another list. Thought it might be of general interest.<br />> <br
/>> Joe<br />> <br />> Something was going to happen sometime I
suppose. Not quite xvoice<br />> though...<br />> <br />><br />> <br />> <br
/>> Software lets programmers code hands-free<br />> * 17:58
26 April 2006<br />> * news service<br />>
* Duncan Graham-Rowe<br />> <br />> <br />> A new speech
recognition tool promises to let programmers write clean<br />> code
without ever having to lay a finger on their keyboard.<br />> <br
/>> The tool, called VoiceCode, has been developed to help programmers
with<br />> repetitive strain injury (RSI). This is a common affliction
for people<br />> who spend a lot of time using a keyboard or mouse and
causes pain in<br />> muscles, tendons and nerves in a sufferer's arms
and back. Some<br />> estimates suggest 22% of all US computer
programmers, or 100,000 people,<br />> suffer from the condition.<br
/>> <br />> Standard speech recognition software can be used to
control a computer<br />> but is usually of little help to programmers,
says Alain Désilets of the<br />> National Research
Council of Canada in Ottawa, one of the creators of<br />> VoiceCode.
This is because each symbol and function and every syntactic<br />>
peculiarity must be carefully spelled out.<br />> <br />> VoiceCode
lets a programmer dictate code in a more natural way,
Désilets<br />> says, rapidly translating their utterances
into awkward programming<br />> syntax. For example, in order to write
"if (currRecNum < maxOffSet)" a<br />> VoiceCode user only
needs to say: "if current record number is less than<br />> max
offset then". Traditional voice-recognition programs could require<br
/>> nearly 50 individual words to be dictated.<br />> <br />> <br
/>> Chat not quit<br />> VoiceCode currently works with the
programming language Python but could<br />> be adapted to support
others, Désilets claims. Although not as fast as<br />>
using a regular mouse and keyboard, he believes it should help many<br
/>> programmers with RSI get back to work.<br />> <br />>
"Often people just quit," says Quintijn Hoogenboom, a programmer
from<br />> the Netherlands who develops specialised speech recognition
software.<br />> <br />> Hoogenboom notes that other speech
recognition programs let users create<br />> their own shortcuts but
believes VoiceCode is unique in its ability to<br />> automatically
recognise spoken syntax and turn it into correct code.<br />> <br
/>> Désilets began working on VoiceCode when he himself
developed RSI a<br />> decade ago. He now wants to release the software
so that other<br />> programmers can evaluate it. But he admits that it
needs to be easier to<br />> install. "It typically takes the
better part of a day to get all the<br />> pieces installed and working
properly," he says. "For someone who has<br />> trouble
typing, that may seem insurmountable."<br />> <br />>
Désilets presented the project at the annual Computer and
Human<br />> Interaction (CHI2006) conference in Montreal on Monday.
The work was<br />> carried out with David Fox from Harvard University
and Stuart Norton<br />> from the University of California,
Berkeley.<br />> <br />> <br />> <br />> --<br />>
-------------------------------------------------------------<br />>
"When the multitude detests a man, inquiry is necessary; when the<br
/>> multitude likes a man, inquiry is equally necessary."<br
/>> Confucius, Analects (circa 6th century BC)<br />> <br />> Or
more pertinently:<br />> "Beer is proof that God loves us and
wants us to be happy."<br />> Benjamin Franklin<br />> <br
/>> <br />>
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