I didn't see anyone else pick up on it, so I figured I'd pass the word a little.<br><br>Amongst everything else going on, Microsoft (boo hiss!) released Virtual PC 2004 for free. I've used virtual pc on my mac for the last year and a half so I know how it works and am pretty satisfied with the software. I downloaded a copy of the software yesterday and installed it on my win2k box at home, which I intend to use for installing and trying out some of the various distros.
<br><br><a href="http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtualpc/default.mspx">http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtualpc/default.mspx</a><br><br>In related news, VMware, not to be outdone by Microsoft, released their mid-level virtualization server software for free also.
<br><br><br>Unfortunately, I don't have a link for the VMware software, but you should be able to find it with only a little bit of googling.<br><br>brad<br><br>