You didn't make it very clear which PW you changed (linux login PW or sambs PW, but you may want to look into "password sync" and "passwd chat" parameters for smb.conf<br><br>but samba password sync will reset the UNIX login PW when a user changes their samba PW, however this doesn't work two ways., unless you use the pam module pam_smb, or setup winbindd which will allow you to autheniticate your linux login-able accounts through samba, or an outside NT/window/samba pdc.<br><br>google is your friend for these topics as there's numerous howto's but you need to investigate your environment (is it one server? or part of an AD/NT domain.) to determine an appropriate course of action.<br><br><br><br><b><i>eric <></i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> I know there is a samba expert out there who might be able to help me.<br><br>I have a
strange problem, firstly I have Linux users sync-ing and<br>creating samba users, I have many users on a samba file server when I<br>change their passwords everything works great, However when I change my<br>password it only changes for my linux user, it is as if either the<br>network has a cache of my old password and will now not let me into<br>samba shares or the samba password for only my user account will not<br>change ...I have even tried just changing my samba user password with<br>still no luck.<br><br>Any clues would really be nice, I think I have exhausted all of my ideas.<br><br>Thanks,<br>Eric<br>_______________________________________________<br>nflug mailing list<br><br><br></blockquote><br><BR><BR>-- David J. Andruczyk<p> 
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