<div style="text-align: left;">I setup a pdf server on a Fedora 4 box using Ghostscript and samba where users can convert documents to pdfs and the converted pdfs get dropped into a folder. Thhis saves costly money for Adobes pdf writer for our company for 50 or so users and licenses. This works using linux but when I connect the printer from Windows I am getting unable to connect access is denied. I get the printer driver to install wich is just a ps printer that I pick in windows.This is the script that im using to do the conversion and the smb.conf file any suggestions? I have seen this work before with other compnays that have set this up but I must be missing someting. Anyone else ever set something like this up with advice?<br><pre>DATE=`date +%b%d-%H%M%S`<br><br># Directory in which to place the output<br># Be sure this directory exists and is writable by the user that Samba<br># is running as (for example, the nobody user)<br>OUTDIR=/shr/pdfdropbox<br><br>
$1 $OUTDIR/$DATE.temp<br>mv $OUTDIR/$DATE.temp $OUTDIR/$DATE.pdf<br>rm $1 </pre><br><pre>; Set up a public share, this will be used to retrieve PDFs<br>; The name of the share will be seen as "shr" by Windows users<br>[shr]<br> path = /shr<br> browseable = yes<br> writeable = yes<br> guest ok = yes<br> force user = nobody<br><br>; Set up our PDF-creation print service<br>[pdf]<br> path = /tmp<br> printable = yes<br> guest ok = yes<br> print command = /usr/bin/printpdf %s<br> <br> ; There is no need to support listing or removing print jobs,<br> ; since the server begins to process them as soon as they arrive.<br> ; So, we set the lpq (list queued jobs) and lprm (remove jobs in queue)<br> ; commands to be empty.<br> lpq command =<br> lprm command =</pre></div><p>__________________________________________________<br>Do You Yahoo!?<br>Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around <br>http://mail.yahoo.com