<p>Quoting "Robert F. Stockdale IV" <javabob@adelphia.net>:<br
/><br />> Unfortunately wget doesn't download the graphics correctly.
Actually <br />> it downloads the page without the graphic. This is the
command I used:<br />><br />> wget <br />> <a
/>><br />> If the web address is loaded in a browser it brings up a
printable <br />> chart of the S&P 500 index. Is there something I'm
missing? The Fpdf <br />> looks like a great idea. Hope I can use it. I'm
not real good at <br />> scripting, although I'm trying to learn some. Been
looking at <br />> abs-guide (Advanced Bash Scripting Guide) and some
Python.<br />> Thank you.<br />> Bob</p><p>Bob,</p><p>If you use wget -p
it should grab all page requisites. You may even need -r for recursive and -l
2 or so to go down a level but if it's in the browser window it should be
gettable.</p><p>Frank</p><p />