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We prefer apt-get cuz up2date has been RIDDLED with bugs ever since at least Core 1, that I can remember... especially if you have iptables running. Either way, apt-get is starting to become the universal way of package management from what I can see on rpm or deb based distros. Why limit yourself to the slow fedora servers when you can add tons of repositories at your own disposal? apt-get is much faster IMHO as well. Now all we need to do is get one big repository like Debian has and we'll be all set! -Jesse<BR>
On Fri, 2004-11-26 at 14:03, frank@mogosystems.com wrote:
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><I>Thanks Pete. As far as up2date and apt-get, which one is preferred and why?<BR>
<B>On Fri, 26 Nov 2004 11:38 , Cyber Source <peter@thecybersource.com> sent:<BR>
Bob may have done some special kernel stuff for your wireless, unless <BR>
you had a specific reason for updating the kernel, it would be best to <BR>
just use the older kernel.<BR>
As far as missing menus, that was an old problem. It used to be that you <BR>
needed a package named redhat-menus0 (thats a zero), at least from an <BR>
apt-get repository, not sure about up2date. anywho, your up2date may <BR>
have broke the original fix, for a quick fix try using up2date to grab <BR>
the redhat-menus0 package.<BR>
<A HREF="javascript:parent.opencompose('frank@mogosystems.com','','','')"><U>frank@mogosystems.com</U></A><FONT COLOR="#737373"> wrote:<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#ff0000">> I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving.<BR>
> I used up2date on wednesday night and now I am missing some of the <BR>
> main menu. I am missing the categories. (i.e. Accessories, sound and <BR>
> video, system tools). The lower part of the menu starting at "Run an <BR>
> Application" is still there. Can anyone tell me where to find these <BR>
> and how to get then back onto the menu?<BR>
> Also I upgraded the kernel using up2date. When I boot up to the new <BR>
> kerel the wireless device, ath0, does not function. Does any one have <BR>
> any ideas for FC2 on this? (Bob Meyer, there could be more wings <BR>
> involved here)<BR>
> Thanks,<BR>
> Frank<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><BR>