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                                        <td class="title">The Novell Small Business Starter Pack</td>
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                                        <td width="506" class="head3" valign="bottom">free yourself to focus on growing your business</td>
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                                        <p>Most business owners would rather run their business than tinker with technology. That's why you need a reliable system in place that improves productivity, streamlines business processes, and ultimately translates into improving your bottom line.</p>
<p>If you're running a small business, you probably started with a peer-to-peer network to connect your PCs — if you're networked at all. But a professional-grade network does far more than share files and a printer: it allows you to break down the barriers to communication, safely opens your business up to the opportunities of the Internet, and gives you and your staff secure access to your business information any time, anywhere — at the office, at home, or from any remote location.</p>
<p>It's the foundation for doing business today and for years to come. Our local Novell partners are ready to install that network for you: a free small business suite for a limited number of users. Just find a partner near you — they can install your network in no time. All you pay for is the installation — saving you time to focus on your business.</p>
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                                        <td width="506" class="head3" valign="bottom">free offer</td>
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                                                Novell is offering a <b>free</b> version of Novell's full-featured small business network for a limited number of users: Novell Small Business Suite 6.5. All you pay for is the services of your Novell partner: They'll set your network up for you without disrupting your business. And, if you really don't want any ongoing network worries, they can become your virtual technical staff.
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                                        <td width="506" class="head3" valign="bottom">no risks: just advantages you can do business on</td>
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                                                <p>If you knew what a professional-grade network could do for your business, you would know what you're missing out on today. Let your local Novell partner show you what building your business on Novell's full-service network foundation can do for you:</p>
<li>Share everything without having to wait for computing cycles to become available to you: files, applications, printers, devices, and even Internet connections. </li>
<li>Make it easier to work together: email, scheduling, calendaring, document management, online day-timer tasks and more make it easy to organize your business and communicate effectively with staff, customers, business partners, and distributors. </li>
<li>Go where your business takes you: With a wireless cell phone, your PDA, or any standard Web browser. You don't have to be in the office to keep in touch or even keep working; you can access a full range of collaboration services and many networking services at any time, from anywhere. </li>
<li>Take control of Internet access: Block inappropriate Web content and ensure that Web access is "strictly business". </li>
<li>Offer services you couldn't offer before: Easily establish a Web presence with your own Web server to offer online services that make your business more accessible. </li>
<li>Protect your business: A wide and necessary variety of strong security measures keep your business safe from outside attack, protecting against data and systems breaches and virus attacks that are designed to bring your business down.</li>
<li>Work without frustrating downtime: Novell networking solutions are proven in millions of real-world businesses like yours; they rarely go down, and they're legendary for delivering the industry's best performance, security and reliability. When your network goes down, you can't do business effectively. Sometimes, you can't do business at all. Get the network that keeps you working: Novell Small Business Suite 6.5. </li>
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                                        <td width="506" class="head3" valign="bottom">how do you get it?</td>
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                                                <p>Contact your local Novell solution provider. This partner can install your first network for you. You pay only for your partner's services. Then you can work together to decide where to take your network with its many rich business applications — both today and as your business grows.</p>
<p>With a Novell partner at your side, you can make the most of your business with real-world networking solutions — and avoid all the headaches of having to deal with technology yourself. Your Novell technology partner can work with you to make the most of your business, your revenue opportunities and the cost-saving process measures your business can leverage right now. Focus on your business: Call your local Novell partner today.</p>
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                                        <td width="506" class="head3" valign="bottom">contact your local Novell solution provider</td>
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                                                <p><a href="https://register.novell.com/nsbs/index.cfm?">Contact your local Novell solution provider for details <img src="/img/h_link-arrow.gif" width="12" height="12" border="0" alt="" align="absmiddle"></a></p>
                                                <p>If your partner of choice has not registered yet to participate in this offer, please point them to <a href="http://www.novell.com/partners/nsbs_starterpack"><u>www.novell.com/partners/nsbs_starterpack</u></a> and tell them you are interested in receiving it from them.</p>
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