<DIV>Sorry for all the typo's in the first message.<BR><BR><B><I>TheCactusKid Cactus <thecactuskid45@yahoo.com></I></B> wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">
<P>Hello, y'all<BR>Well its up and running! Yes I finally got the old box<BR>up and operating. My IBM PC Server 315 is now all<BR>done. Well, I have not upgraded the ram yet, I'm still<BR>using 64mb of edo ecc ram, and will upgrade it when I<BR>can afford it. I was wondering can I just add ram and<BR>reconfigure the OS or will I need to do a reinstall?<BR>Anyway, I've got it installed. The box has Mandrake 7.0 on<BR>it. I had a of trouble with the video card it<BR>seems that Mandrake did not like the one I picked for<BR>the system. It was a ARK 2000 MT or VP; well I gave up<BR>and changed it to a S3 Verge DX and now its cooking<BR>with gas. I did a custom install and it saw all the<BR>hardware fine. This box has 3 scsi drives 9gigs in<BR>total, 100bt nic, AHA 2940 scsi card, 56K ISA Modem,<BR>and a Soundblaster 16 value soundcard which was a<BR>little pain in the butt to configure in Mandrake. Mandrake<BR>seems a bit buggy, its will not accept
my<BR>configuration setting, but after I rebooted it detect the<BR>hardware and showed it finally! Then it did <BR>accept my configuration settings! Boy what a pain!<BR>Now I've got sound! I still have to play with<BR>the modem for fax, but I've got DSL and that was no<BR>problem setting up at all! ie:running DHCP. I need EDO<BR>ECC unbuffered anybody have any to sell? Maybe at the<BR>next meeting if these space I'll bring it in. Thats<BR>the one nice thing about linux you can use legacy<BR>equipment! <BR><BR>tHecActUsKid<BR><BR>__________________________________<BR>Do you Yahoo!?<BR>Yahoo! Small Business $15K Web Design Giveaway <BR>http://promotions.yahoo.com/design_giveaway/</P></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV><p><hr size=1><font face=arial size=-1>Do you Yahoo!?<br>
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