<DIV><BR><BR><B><I>Robert Dege <rdege@cse.Buffalo.EDU></I></B> wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">
<P><BR><STRONG>Why not just use a linux boot disk to partition the drives as you need?<BR>Then, all you have to worry about is that Windows recognizes your scsi<BR>controller card during the installation.<BR><BR>-Rob</STRONG></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000bf size=3>Hi, Rob</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000bf size=3>I think you misunderstood my problem. </FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000bf size=3>(Unless I'm misunderstanding what your telling me?) Are you stating that the Linux boot disk will do the following...? Or am I not relating vary well what I would like to do? Sorry if I'm not clear enough:) Anyways thanks for your help:)</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000bf size=3>Firstly I'm installing Windows. I needed to know what software the lug would recommend to set up the partitions for windows using SCSI drives? </FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000bf size=3>I will then use disk druid to do the disk partitioning for the installation of Linux. That will take care of that issue, ie: no brainer. So my question is what software is available out there and can anyone give me a web site to go to. </FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000bf size=3>I'm a newbie at this and need some help!</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000bf size=3>Any advice / suggestions would be greatly appreciated</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000bf size=3>Thanks, Rob</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=4><FONT color=#0000bf size=3>Thanks guys:)</FONT> </FONT></P>
<P><BR><BR><STRONG>I have some SCSI drives and need some advice.<BR>I will be setting up a dual-boot system and need to install sorry to say Windows on two drives one as native w/programs partitions and one with a swap and storage partitions. </STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>So, now heres the fun part..... I don't know what software I need to set up the drives for an installation of windows. I know that the installation with Linux will be a lot less painful since it has disk druid. But can anyone suggest what self booting floppy disk configuration software to use for SCSI drives? (freeware) or shareware. Oh the drives are from Seagate.<BR><BR>Thanks, ThEcAcTUsKId:)<BR></STRONG></P></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV></DIV></DIV><p><hr SIZE=1>
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