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Mandrake 8.2 (Bluebird) comes with kernel version 2.4.18-6mdk. I plan on doing the install on a PCChips M748MRT motherboard with a 533mhz Celeron cpu and 96MB ram. This is an all-in-one motherboard except for the NIC, I put that in the one expansion slot. There are no other slots on this mb so it's a choice of either doing the NIC or the TV Tuner. If there is time, I suppose I could pop out the NIC and put in the TV Tuner card to show the install on that, although we would need a cable or antenna hookup of some sort to show how it works. I will do the install from scrap but if we run out of time, I have dumped and restored the entire config to a different hard drive that I could pop in and at least show how it all works.
On Sat, 2002-06-08 at 10:10, S. Lawton wrote:
<PRE><FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I>6/7/02 10:34:02 PM, JJ Neff <jjneff@yahoo.com> wrote:</FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I></FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I>>The 3rd Sunday is the 16th I believe. However Fathers get so very little</FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I>>celebration as it is. But then again, most of the participants are Fathers and</FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I>>what better way to spend quality time than playing with Linux. </FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I>></FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I>>Group, speak up and let us know when YOU want the meeting. The 16th, the 23rd?</FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I>> Up to you...</FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I>></FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I>>JJN</FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I></FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I>The 16th works for me. </FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I>I'm really looking forward to the pesentation, especially since Peter mentioned "all in </FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I>one" Motherboards. Maybe an upgrade to Mandrake 8.2 will solve most or all of my little </FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I>glitches. </FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I></FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I>Does a newer release of a distro necessarily include a newer version of the kernel ? </FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I>My present one is 2.4.8 . What's in Mandrake 8.2 ? </FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I></FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I>Scott </FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I></FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I>Registered Linux User 261118 </FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I> </FONT></FONT></I>
<FONT COLOR="#737373"><FONT SIZE="3"><I></FONT></FONT></I>