<P> Jay,
<P>confirmed, the DAC960 has an older firmware version - 2.43 I believe (like an idiot I didn't write it down). The SRM Console is V 5.3-2, The VMS PALcode is V5.56-7 and the OSF PALcode is V 1.45-12. ARC Alpha Firmware Version 4.58...
<P>The MYLEX site had an upgrade to 2.73, BUT it was full of warnings and sounded like "death on toast" if you don't go the OEM route. I searched but could not find a DEC/Compaq/HP flash for the controller...
<P>If I did decide to go the NCR route - won't there be a limit on the number of SCSI devices that controller will support? The drives are in the internal cage 3 two's and 4 four's...with a tape drive and CD-Rom I have a feeling I will end up short.
<P>What is IIRC?
<P>The SRM Console is V 5.3-2, The VMS PALcode is V5.56-7 and the OSF PALcode is V 1.45-12. ARC Alpha Firmware Version 4.58...
<P>I'm bumming if I can't use the drives I have - it will push me back towards NT 4.0 SP6 as the OS of choice with the linux dreams off this platform and on to some INTEL box...
<P>Joe Lukasiewicz
<P> <B><I>Jay Estabrook <Jay.Estabrook@compaq.com></I></B> wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">
<P>Hi, Joe, sorry about the delay...<BR><BR>On Sun, May 19, 2002 at 05:17:30PM -0700, Joseph Lukasiewicz wrote:<BR>> <BR>> Hi...I've tried a few things and I appear to be at a wall on the<BR>> Potato load on the Alpha 2100 (Sable). </P>
<P>If the DAC960 controller has old firmware (and almost all the ones<BR>that ran originally with OSF or NT on the older boxes are), then the<BR>Linux DAC960 driver will NOT work.<BR><BR>First off, there's no MILO for SABLE - you MUST run SRM.<BR><BR>Second, unless you update the firmware on the DAC960 board, it will<BR>not be usable with Linux. This would cost money, IIRC, and need to be<BR>done via MYLEX the company.<BR><BR>Thirdly, there is an internal NCR810 SCSI controller that you should<BR>be able to cable up to the builtin "shelf", and use the disks from<BR>there. That driver is well-tested under Linux.<BR><BR>From there, software RAID may be an option...<BR><BR>Good luck.<BR><BR>--Jay++<BR><BR>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR>Jay A Estabrook HPTC - LINUX support<BR>Hewlett-Packard Company - MRO1-2/K15 (508) 467-2080<BR>200 Forest Street, Marlboro MA 01752 Jay.Estabrook@hp.com<BR>----------------------------------------!
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