
Brad Bartram bradbartram at
Tue Feb 10 10:36:56 EST 2004

On Monday 09 February 2004 03:17 pm, Mike Richardson wrote:
> Although I don't see how whatever.ext is supposed to be redirected to
> index.php, I can give you some pointers:
> We use something similar to this in our site
> RedirectMatch ^/assets/images/(.*)\.(.*)$ /images/$1.$2
> where /assets/images/img1.gif --> /images/img1.gif
> (note use of regular expressions: very handy)
> Might be helpful. You'd want to match everything but index.php
> (otherwise index.php will redirect to itself infinitely)
> Hope this helps!
> --
> Mike Richardson
> Unix/Linux Administrator - Web Developer
> School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
> University at Buffalo

I can absolutely see why that was confusing - I screwed up my own example.  

Here's what it should be...

I have a url:

What I need to do is take any request destined for:

and have it sent to:

Here is what I've been working with resulting in nothing.  Regex has never 
been my strong suit so I'm piecing things together haphazardly.  Anyway, 
enjoy the example...

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /(.*).ext
RewriteRule ^/(.*).ext\?(.*)$ /index.php?action=%1?%2 [QSA]

Thanks for the suggestions on this so far.  Due to the limitations of the 
application itself, this has to be done at the apache server - I personally 
would love it if it could be done at the app level 'cause then I wouldn't be 
involved, but sometimes you just can't pick your poison.


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