Chat for IDIOTS

Scott Lawton green_man at
Sat Nov 15 14:02:21 EST 2003

I just installed ChatZilla 0.9.46. Extracting the jars from the xpi and 
copy ing them was fairly easy.
Moz started again [WHEW!!] and I now have a tab for ChatZilla in 
Now the HARD work, there is no help [the pges are blank].
How do I configure this thing ??

Start Up
autoload scripts
auto connect servers ??

I would like to have ??nflug at effnet?? as the default channel [would be 
homepage in a web browser] when I start ChatZilla.
How do I tell it so?

Or how, specifically, once it starts how do get to that channel?
i.e., What EXACTLY do I type to get there ?

hardware: n, the part of a computer that can be kicked.

software: n, the part of a computer that causes hardware to be kicked.

Mozilla 1.0 mail on Windows 98 SE

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